Create an account with us by using our quick and simple registration form. You are required to submit a valid Australian Drivers Licence in order to bid on auctions, however no account is required for listing a plate.
If you already have a Plater Marketplace account, you can login to your account, go to your Dashboard, click on the Auctions tab, and upload your ID there - you do not need to create a new account.
Submit a verified credit card for Stripe Payments.
Once we have reviewed and approved your account, you will be able to bid on any open auction.
Buyer’s Premium is 5% + GST, capped at $6,000 + GST, with a minimum fee of $300 + GST.
After you have created a registered account, submit specifications, photos and a desired reserve price for your item.
Once we have reviewed your listing and agreed upon terms, we will contact you to offer a position in an upcoming lot.
Your listing will now appear in the scheduled lot.
Once the Buyers Premium has been paid after the auction, the winning bidders details will be given to finalise the purchase.